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Being a champion doesn’t mean just winning the race. It means being the one who finish the race.  If you want to be a champion, you must:

  1. 1.         Be 100% coachable
  2. 2.        Be fully committed and sold out

By being coachable and sold out to your goals, you are setting yourself up for success, it’s not all about being the smartest or more talented, it’s simply about being able to applying systems that have been proven to be successful consistently over time.

In the book tit…

In the book titled The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy, he talks about how Consistency over time leads to enormous success.  A lot of times we make things seem harder than what they really are.  In order to be great at what you do, you don’t have to be twice as better than everyone else; you only have to put in less than one percent more effort than everyone else.  By applying this to your business, try to do just one percent more than you are doing now and within a years time, that one percent will add up to over 1000% more effort. Do this and you will be definitely minding your business.

Do more, be more

It’s not enough to be great at something. Your achievement is measure by the sacrifices you made which made you great.  With that being said, for every achievement you have in your life, map it to a obsticle you over came, that way when you have an other goal you would like to conquer, it will be a little easier to make it a great and defining moment in your life.

This is Lovely Morgan with the Morgan Standard, helping you Mind Your Own business.

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